“Mac Pros that are older than the general rule of thumb 2012 date will still be allowed to install macOS Mojave and those with Metal capable GPUs will be able to run the new fancy-dancy Dark Mode,” Casella reports. “One exception is that Apple has thrown us older Mac Pro 2010-2012 owners a bone and if you happen to have a GPU that supports Metal, you’ll be able to get all of the neat features available under macOS Mojave despite having older hardware,” Casella reports. “The general rule of thumb is that if your hardware is from 2012 and newer (other than regular MacBook that must be from 2015 and newer), you’ll likely be able to enjoy all of the macOS Mojave features including the long awaited Dark Mode.”

“Apple has already informed developers of which Mac hardware will be supported under macOS Mojave,” Anthony Casella reports for iMore.