Messenger Lite was introduced for Facebook users who are on older and entry-level Android devices and also in areas where internet connectivity is not the strongest. This was first rolled out in Kenya, Tunisia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Venezuela. Now people who use Messenger Lite can have the same rich and expressive face-to-face conversations as those who use the core Messenger app, no matter which technology they use or have access to," said Facebook in its blog post. In 2017, there were 17 billion video chats in Messenger, twice as many video chats compared to 2016. Facebook Lite: Messenger: Messenger Lite: If you want to search for package name of any app, just search it in the play store from web browser and get the id parameter from the URL. "Video chats are incredibly popular for people who use the Messenger core app. This makes the app a bit more powerful and as The Verge correctly points out, this feature might make the Lite app better than the parent Messenger app.

Messenger Lite has a size of 10 MB, did not have the video-chatting feature earlier. According to Facebook Newsroom, this is intended for people who have older Android devices and are on a slower internet connection.